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3 Best Places to Use Direct Mail

Direct mail and email work great together, but choosing when to use which channel can be tricky. Both channels are effective, but they are not interchangeable. Where is direct mail more effective than email? Let’s look at three direct mail marketing strategies that really shine.
  1. New mover campaigns
Under normal conditions, it’s challenging to get people to switch existing relationships with their local gyms, favorite restaurants, and family dentists. However, more than 12% of people move every year, and when they do, they are not only open to finding new sources, but they often need to do so. Direct mail is the best way to find and woo new customers at the very time they are most open to hearing from you. The window of time during which new movers are most receptive is 60 days.
  1. Customer reactivation
If people drop off your email list or stop responding for one reason or another, direct mail is the perfect way to re-engage them. Most people drop off email lists not because they are no longer interested in your brand, but because they change email addresses or simply receive too many emails. By contrast, people never seem to get tired of getting postal mail. In fact, Vericast found that 49% of recipients look forward to receiving their mail each day, and 54% find reading mailed advertising enjoyable. This makes direct mail the perfect customer re-activation channel. (Plus, it doesn’t get caught in spam filters and doesn’t require an opt-in.)
  1. Promoting customer testimonials
There is little that will stop a recipient in their tracks faster than a testimonial printed on the front of a postcard or a mailing envelope. Reading testimonials is a bit like over-hearing an interesting conversation at the table next to you in a restaurant. You can’t help but stop and listen. Direct mail allows you to showcase testimonials far better than email since recipients don’t have to open the email to see them. They are right there in front of the recipient and are impossible to miss. Reach out and see why Main Graphics is your best choice for direct mail marketing in Orange County.

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Buyers Love Circular Design: Let’s Talk About Why!

No, circular design doesn’t mean making products or packaging into circles or cylinders. It’s a sustainability approach that challenges the traditional linear model—where products are made, used, and thrown away. Instead, it focuses on designing for continual reuse, refurbishment, and recycling of materials. At Main Graphics, we embrace circular design to create solutions that minimize waste and maximize sustainability.

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Maximizing the Potential of Direct Mail: Harnessing the Power of Variable Data

In the realm of direct mail marketing, variable data emerges as a remarkably potent tool and Main Graphics has the expertise to make these campaigns an easy reality.  By customizing and tailoring your mailings with information pertinent to each recipient, you can achieve significantly enhanced results. Here are five tips to effectively utilize this powerful resource to maximize the potential of your direct mail campaigns and boost response rates.

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